Kira Robert ‘Fight Geek’ Clarke | Follow @kira_clarke

Scott Andrew Bird | Follow @scottbird
What’s been going on this week? Quite a lot actually.
Over to you. I’d love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you’re keen to do a little fitness writing and would like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, get in touch.
Video : Compound Vs Isolation Exercises (Ryan Humiston)
I was chatting with someone recently about ‘compound vs isolation‘ exercises, and he pointed me to the above video. Interesting approach. Curious : what’s your own preference? If you’re doing some of each, which ones typically go first in your workouts?
Gymchat 278 – TBA
We’re still finalising the details for this week’s discussion. I’ll post them on the blog (and Twitter, Facebook etc) shortly. In the meantime, take a look at some of the previous episodes of the show – (there’s an example below, and a full list here). And if you’ve got any questions or comments on the various topics discussed, we’d love to hear them. Just leave a note below the video.Previously : In Gymchat 134 we discussed From Diabetic to Fit with Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine and Diabetes Warrior‘s Steve Cooksey. Great conversation.
NB : if you’d like to take part in a future episode – either as an interviewee, or as a guest host – just drop us a line. Love hearing how everyone else trains.
Checking Out : ElecSuit (EMS Suit For Workouts & VR Gaming)
Very interesting combination. The ElecSuit is a near-full-body workout suit (the video shows you exactly how near) with built-in EMS devices, for use in your training/recovery or with a spot of VR Gaming. Intriguing. A partner app not only makes it possible to train & customise the suit, it provides access to a variety of workouts and VR Games. Hopefully this will connect to third-party offerings at some point (I’d love to be able to add my own). In the meantime, a little video :The ElecSuit.
Ever Tried Kettlebells?
If you've seen people using them but never taken the plunge yourself, here are the ones I use personally. You can also pick up a book/DVD/course if you want to learn how to put them to work.
Tip of the Week : Why Warm Up?
Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, the blog; and the newsletter. Wherever you are, there’s always a way to improve what you’re doing. This tip comes to us from Kirk Fontaine, and is a snippet from the discussion Stretching & Warming Up. Was a great one.In response to a couple of questions on ‘Why Warm Up?‘ : If you are to participate in exercise the first thing you need to do is warm up. The warm up is important to prepare your mind and body so that you can get the very best out of the exercise. The effect of a warm up on preventing injury is not clear however research does suggest increased muscle temperature decreases the risk of muscle tear.
Warming up will :
- Increase your heart rate to give you increased blood flow around the body to the muscles
- Improve oxygen delivery to the muscles
- Stimulate faster muscle contraction
- Improve the joints’ ability to endure stress.
Good stuff.