This Week on Straight to the Bar
I’m constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you’re looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you’ll enjoy these :
Gem From the Vault : Bars, Plates, Hooks and Collars
Scott Andrew Bird
We’ll certainly be going into this in detail in this week’s Gymchat (details below), but suffice to say, this will help explain what the various types are all about. Great when you’re buying second-hand gear.Looking At : Aug 11, 2013
Scott Andrew Bird
We’ve been discussing some very interesting techniques, products and services recently. Here are the highlights.
Over to you. I’d love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you’d like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here’s how.
Video : 555 lb Partial Jefferson Deadlift
Remember the Jefferson Deadlift? Great thing.
Here’s the rack-pull version in action. Nice one Logan.
Gymchat 209 – Setting up a Home Gym (with Josh Hewett)
The Home Gym. If you’re just getting started, training at home may be the perfect option : the ability to do what you want, when you want; without anyone looking on.
So where do you start – what do you need in terms of space/budget/equipment etc? Should you buy new stuff, second-hand or make your own? Do you miss out on anything by training at home, rather than in a commercial gym somewhere? Helping us tackle this one is Strongman Josh Hewett, alongside Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine. If you’d like to ask a question or share your own love of training at home, join us on the Hangout. Details below.
Details –
Who : Strongman Josh Hewett, Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine and You
Topic : Setting up a Home Gym
When : Wed Aug 14, 9pm EST (here’s how to find out when that is in your timezone)
URL : We’ll be announcing this shortly – both on the blog and in the Straight to the Bar Community on Google+.
How : Here are the details. Alternately, just mention to Kirk that you’d like to join us, and he’ll help you get set up.
See you there.
Previously : In Gymchat 207 we talked about ‘Body Transformation‘, with Strength and Conditioning Coach Jason Paris and Personal Trainer Kirk Fontaine. Great discussion.
If you missed the broadcast, the video is available over on Kirk’s Youtube Channel. That’s also the best place to subscribe to the videos directly, and to see previous discussions.
If you’d like to suggest a future topic, or schedule an interview for one of the upcoming discussions, you can send us a message privately here, or swing by our Community site on Google+. Look forward to hearing from you.
Tip of the Week: When Possible, Buy Meat Locally
Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via Twitter, Google+, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there’s always a way to improve what you’re doing.
In the article Fight Fat With CLA from eVitamins, Derek noted the value of getting some quality meat in your diet. One of the key factors is to keep an eye out for things like ‘grass-fed beef‘; another is to purchase from local sources whenever possible.
Jeff Marraccini explains :
Scott, I also look for local sources. Even grass-fed meat coming from far away likely has more risk of being exposed to excessive heat, cold, or other environmental conditions. Unfortunately, it is not always possible so I have to compromise from time to time.
Great point.
Checking Out : The Sports Gene
This looks great, and the subtitle alone – Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance – will explain why. Love it.
I’ll post a full review when it arrives; in the meantime, here’s a quick snippet from Amazon to help explain what it’s all about :
David Epstein delivers an interesting and impressive narrative, through extensive research on sports and genetics. The author highlights what makes a successful athlete, and how to obtain excellence to become one of the elite. The stories and interviews are thought-provoking, and inspiring. This insightful account is a must-read not only for athletes, but coaches, and parents as well. Of all the sports information I’ve read in books about athletes, this one is a golden gem on this topic. The science behind an athlete’s performance is covered to a great extent, and the more you read, the more interesting it becomes. Informative, and educational. Highly recommended!
The Sports Gene. Looks great.
Quick update on the Renaissance Fitness Supplement Kits we mentioned recently – superb idea.
As we noted, we’ll be reviewing these shortly. And if you missed the announcement, here’s a brief video to explain the basic idea :
For more information, head on over to the official site –
Exercise of the Week : Pistol Grip Kettlebell Toss
Love throwing the kettlebells around? Try this – the Pistol Grip Kettlebell Toss. Great fun.
Incidentally, if you’d like to get in touch regarding this or any other aspect of strength, you can contact me here. Look forward to hearing from you.
Kettlebell Exercise Demonstrations & Tutorials
We’ve looked at a lot of kettlebell exercises and variations over the years – in the form of tips, tutorials and demonstrations.
Where do you find them all? Right here – a complete list of Kettlebell Exercise Demonstrations & Tutorials.
A Daily Dose
Love this stuff? Same here. If you’re looking for a daily dose of strength-training goodness, grab the Straight to the Bar Daily.
Absolutely free.
Free Downloads from the Strength Kit
I recently added a number of resources to the Straight to the Bar Strength Kit, and as a Strength & Fitness Newsletter subscriber you’re more than welcome to download as many of them as you like. Several great eBooks, podcasts and videos – all absolutely free.
Just head over here, save them to your hard-drive, and dive in.
Good stuff.
NB : This is an ever-changing list. If you’d like to put your own work in front of a fantastic strength-focussed audience, let me know.
Want to Help Out?

As you’ve doubtless noticed, in addition to the main site is a Community on Google+, Facebook and Twitter. Wherever you are, a daily dose of strength isn’t all that far away.
To help run all of these sites, we’re on the lookout for several new Moderators. To welcome new community members, bring up new items to discuss and generally keep the conversations on track.
If you’re already spending a bit of time at any of the above sites, and would like to offer your services as a Moderator, just drop us a line below. And thanks for that, it really is appreciated.
Contact either :
Kirk Fontaine, Community Manager, Straight to the Bar
or me :
Scott Andrew Bird, Editor, Straight to the Bar
Thanks again. Look forward to hearing from you.