This Week on Straight to the Bar
I’m constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you’re looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you’ll enjoy these :
Card Tearing – Stability
Matt Hunt
When it comes to tearing cards, a major hurdle is often just getting a firm grip on the deck. Matt shares a few ways to do just that.Looking At : Jun 17, 2012
Scott Andrew Bird
We’ve been discussing some very interesting techniques, products and services recently. Here are the highlights.
Over to you. I’d love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you’d like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here’s how.
Video : How to Build an Outdoor Pull-Up Bar
Nice one Steve.
Gymchat 174 – Training Around Injuries
Despite our best efforts, everyone gets injured from time to time. A minor scratch, or something a little more serious.
When that happens, how does it impact your training? Does it depend on which area is injured? Or the severity perhaps?
This week we’re going to discuss the various ways to assess, resolve and work around the problems you may face. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Grapplefit‘s Barry Gibson.
Join us for Gymchat 174 – Training Around Injuries. Fantastic.
Details –
Who Grapplefit‘s Barry Gibson
Topic : Training Around Injuries
When : Wed Jun 20, 9pm EDT (here’s how to find out when that is in your timezone)
How : Post a comment, question or reply
Where :
If you’ve never been to one of these discussions before, here’s how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.
For everyone who’s joining us for their first Gymchat, welcome. Just dive right in, and ask Barry any training-related questions you like.
See you there.
Quick update on last week’s gymchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion : Fitness in 2030. Some superb ideas in there.
For those who missed out on the conversation, here’s the transcript. Was a great one.
Strongman for Charity : Edward Fox
I love stuff like this.
‘Spartan‘ Ed Fox is currently in training for the UK’s Strongest Athlete competition next month. In addition to the glory of competing in something like this, Ed is helping to raise money for the incredible Make a Wish Foundation.
If you’d like to help Ed throw a dollar or two in their direction, it’d certainly be appreciated. Details here.
Tip of the Week: Training When Travelling
Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, Google+, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there’s always a way to improve what you’re doing.
On Google+ recently I noticed a question from Moz Erly along the lines of ‘how do I train when travelling?‘. A few years ago, Mark Konen faced a similar situation. His solution (from the article Pack Light, Train Hard) :
Well traveled suitcase.I am visiting my sedentary family soon and I will not be near a gym so here is my plan:
First, there is a wide variety of bodyweight exercises I can do including push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, squats, pull-ups and jumping rope. I can fashion these as a circuit or even as a Tabata workout. So, the first thing I will pack is the Gymboss interval timer. Since I will already have my laptop with me, I could also use an online Tabata timer.
To make the bodyweight exercises even more challenging, I will bring along my jumpstretch bands; specifically the mini-bands. I can add resistance to any exercise I do and can also use it for assistance in pull-ups and range of motion (ROM) work. I also have a couple minor, nagging injuries that would benefit from some band work.
I will bring some running gear and would run in areas where I could also find some things like rocks to lift and throw. I may add in some hills and speed training. (I do use the word “speed” with a sense of humor)!
I’ll toss in a Captains of Crush Gripper. I can use that while watching sports on the tube.
OK, so far so good. But I really would like to do some heavy lifting so what can I do that is the same as what I would do at my home gym? Sandbag training! All I have to do is to take my sandbag liners of 50, 25 and 10#, empty them at home and then go buy a couple of 50# bags at a hardware store close to where I’ll be staying. Sand is cheap.
That about covers all I could possibly need to get in great workouts while out of town. Since I am going to a colder clime, it may be unlikely there will be a heavy snowfall this early in the season, but if I happen to be in a big snowstorm, you can’t beat snow shovelling! Snow shovel intervals could be interesting, challenging and fun. Come to think of it, I’ll have to look in my dad’s garage. I wonder if he has a sledgehammer? I may be able to talk my mom into steering the car while I push it down the street for time or reps!
Good stuff.
Checking Out : The StrongerThanU Ultimate Anchor
Remember the StrongerThanU Ultimate Anchor we mentioned last year?
It’s arrived. Fantastic.
Quick update on the superb Fixing Elbow Pain we mentioned recently. Suffice to say that if you’ve ever experienced conditions like Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow, it’s essential reading.
Love it.
Exercise of the Week : Leap Frog Jumps
If you’re looking to do a little plyometric work for the legs, you really can’t go past a spot of jump training.
This video demonstrates a number of forms of exactly that, including my own favourite – the Leap Frog Jumps. Love ’em.
Over to Scooby Chau :
NB : for bonus points, try doing these on a fairly wide set of stairs. Good fun.
Incidentally, if you’d like to get in touch regarding this or any other aspect of strength, you can contact me here. Look forward to hearing from you.
Free Straight to the Bar eBooks
As a Strength & Fitness Newsletter subscriber you get several great eBooks, absolutely free. Just head over here, save them to your hard-drive, and dive in.
Good stuff.
NB : This is an ever-changing list of books. If you’d like to put your own work in front of a fantastic strength-focussed audience, let me know.