This Week on Straight to the Bar
I’m constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you’re looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you’ll enjoy these :
Is Red Meat Deadly?
Maik Wiedenbach
A defense of these wonderful foods.Looking At : Week Ending Mar 18, 2012
Scott Andrew Bird
We’ve been discussing some very interesting techniques, products and services recently. Here are the highlights.
Over to you. I’d love to hear what you think : leave your comments on the above articles, and share them with your friends/colleagues/clients and so on.
NB : If you’d like to submit your own piece for Straight to the Bar, here’s how.
Video : Band Terminal Knee Extension Step Ups
A very interesting exercise combination for dealing with particular types of knee pain. Nice one.
Gymchat 161 – Belts, Wraps & Straps

When do you need to use a bit of protection/assistance in the form of a lifting or chinning belt, a pair of wraps or straps? How do you use them, and do you need to?
When I bought my first set of bars & plates, it was assumed by the barrel-chested salesman that I’d be wanting the abovementioned assistance devices. Perhaps it was because I sounded keen to experiment; perhaps it was because he was on commission. Either way, I ended up with a few of the standard ‘extras‘.
This week I’d like to look at when and how to use these items – if they’re essentials for everyone who lifts, or if they’re only suited to particular types of training. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than Olympic athlete, personal trainer and nutritionist Maik Wiedenbach. Fantastic.
NB : As a bonus, five random questioners (from this Gymchat in particular) will receive several small gifts. I’ll announce details a little closer to the discussion itself, but suffice to say that they’re probably already on your wishlist. It’s good stuff.
And if you’ve just joined us on Google+, welcome. Swing by on Mar 21, and add a comment/ask a question or three. Dive in.
Details –
Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Belts, Wraps & Straps
When : Wed Mar 21, 9pm EDT (2am UTC)
How : Post a comment, question or reply
Where :
If you’ve never been to one of these discussions before, here’s how to join in the fun. Simple, quick to set up and free.
And to see when it’s on in your timezone, head over to the calendar.
See you there.

Quick update on last week’s gymchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Supplementation. Some superb ideas in there.
For those who missed out on the conversation, here’s the transcript. Was a great one.
NB : if you’d like to add a fitness-related event (either a competition you’re taking part in, or something you’re helping to organise there), just login to the forums and add it to the calendar. Cheers.
Tip of the Week: Neck Bridge Progressions
Each week we publish a number of tips and techniques via twitter, Google+, the forums, the blog; and now the newsletter. Wherever you are, there’s always a way to improve what you’re doing.
This tip is in the form of a video which we first saw back in 2008; I was reminded of this technique after a brief discussion of neck training over on Google+. It’s a very interesting series of neck bridge variations.
Over to Martin Rooney :
Good stuff.
Checking Out : Raising the Bar
Here’s another one that’s quickly moved up to the top of my ‘books to read‘ list. Looks fantastic.
To help give you an idea of why, here’s a snippet from the foreword by Paul Wade (author of Convict Conditioning) :
[Raising the Bar] is something very special. It’s likely the most important book on strength and conditioning to be published in the last fifty years. That’s a big claim, but I stand by it. Not only is it of historical importance as the only book I’ve ever seen that’s dedicated to bar athletics–the “missing link” of strength training–but it’s also a phenomenal conditioning resource in its own right. In this book you’ll learn all the techniques you need to succeed; you’ll find out how to dominate different types of bar set-ups; you’ll discover how to combine and balance your bar moves with other advanced training techniques, like handstand push-ups; and, just as crucial, you’ll be taught to forge all these new skills into a routine of laser-like efficiency.
Quick update on the superb The Primal Blueprint we first looked at quite a while ago now. Holds up extremely well.
Recently I re-read this (yet again – it’s a great book), after discussing the numerous benefits of a Primal diet with a friend of mine. There’s a full review here, but suffice to say if ridiculously good health is something you’re after, it’s essential reading.
Love it.
Exercise of the Week : Bear Hug Deadlift
I love this exercise; although you rarely see it being performed for some reason. The Bear Hug Deadlift.
Here it is in action :
Good stuff.
Incidentally, if you’d like to get in touch regarding this or any other aspect of strength, you can send me an email here. Look forward to hearing from you.
Free Straight to the Bar eBooks
As a Strength & Fitness Newsletter subscriber you get several great eBooks, absolutely free. Just head over here, save them to your hard-drive, and dive in.
Good stuff.
NB : This is an ever-changing list of books. If you’d like to put your own work in front of a fantastic strength-focussed audience, let me know.
Time for Some New Gear? Here’s What to Get, and How to Use It
Thanks to everyone who’s sent in feedback (via email, Facebook and Twitter) about the Straight to the Bar Guides – it’s greatly appreciated.
For everyone who hasn’t seen them yet, the Guides will help you decide what to get (and where), and how to train with it. There’s some great information in there.