This Week on Straight to the Bar
I’m constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you’re looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, you’ll enjoy these :
- Kipping Pull-ups
Al Kavadlo
Al takes a look at the uses, benefits and techniques involved in the Kipping Pull-up. - Grip, Strength & Conditioning Workout
Dave Lemanczyk
Grip-heavy strength workouts. Good stuff.
Ready to add your own opinion, workout log or training article? Just head over to the Forums, Training Logs, or swing by the Article Submissions page. They’re fantastic ways to share your ideas.
NB : if you enjoy the articles, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the Like, Digg and Retweet icons). Cheers.
Video : Tim Hull – Pittsburgh Strongest Man
Tim enters the world of Strongman. Nice one.
Learning the Skills : Dave Lemanczyk’s Private Training
It’s incredible how much you can learn from someone who knows precisely what they’re doing. When it comes to building some real-world strength, check out Dave Lemanczyk’s Private Training. Fantastic.
If you’ve ever watched Keg Conditioning, you know exactly what you’re getting in to. Creativity, hard work and astonishing levels of strength. Seriously, if you’re in New York, give Dave a call.
Highly recommended.
Coming Events
Twitterchat 83 – Tearing
One of the topics which was raised in last week’s discussion was tearing. Fantastic activity.
This week we’re taking a close look at Tearing : playing cards, phonebooks and anything else that’s handy. The benefits of tearing, the various techniques and the ways to train. Helping us explore this fascinating topic is none other than the man behind the superb Card Tearing Ebook, the Diesel Crew‘s, Jedd ‘Napalm‘ Johnson (@jeddjohnson). Fantastic.
Details –
Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Tearing
When : Wed Sep 15, 9pm EDT (1am UTC)
How : Include #sbgym in your tweets.
To see when it’s on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.
See you there.
Quick update on last week’s twitterchat : Thanks once again to everyone who took part in the discussion on Grip Training for Beginners. Some superb ideas in there.
For those who missed out on the conversation, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Do you train grip directly, or mainly modify other exercises? How?
Checking Out : The Satisfaction Transformation
I’m a big fan of books on nutrition (as a glance at my bookshelves will quickly attest), and The Satisfaction Transformation is certainly in that category.
Featuring everything from meal plans to exercise routines, this is an intriguing collection. Looking forward to diving in.
Exercise of the Week : Thor’s Hammer
I love a spot of forearm training, and have for as long as I can remember (growing up surrounded by Bruce Lee books and movies, I guess that isn’t surprising).
Although there are many, many ways to work the wrists; I love the simplicity of the Thor’s Hammer approach. Just take the plates off one end of a dumbbell, and swing it around (slowly, in control) in various ways (up/down, side-to-side, round and round). Like you’re conducting an orchestra in slow-mo.