On the Forums
I’m constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you’re looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, head over to the forums :
Kipping Pull-Ups
Al Kavadlo
Al looks at the ‘other‘ way to perform pull-ups – using kipping. Good stuff.Floral Apron Adventures : 25
The serious leg work continues. Nice one.
Ready to add your own workout log or training article? Just head over to the Articles & Logs page and log in, and click ‘Post to Your Blog‘. That’s all there is to it.
NB : if you like what you see, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the icons for Digg, StumbleUpon etc beneath each article). Cheers.
Video – Dave Johnson : Steel bending World Record
At the 4th Leg of Britain’s Strongest Hands, Dave Johnson bent an incredible 10 x 30″, 5/8″ HRS bars in 60 secs.
Reading : 20 Strength, Fitness and Health Sites
Back in 2006 I noted some of my favourite strength-training sites (20, to be exact); many of which are still on my daily reading list.
Of course, over the past 4 years we’ve noted many, many other great resources – both online and offline. Blogs, books, newsletters and seminars. Fantastic.
Time to pull them together. As I’m currently updating the original list, do you have a site or two that should be added? Which is your favourite strength, fitness or health site on the web?
Whether it’s your own site or a personal favourite, tweet me the URL. Alternately – if 140 characters just isn’t enough – post the details on the forums. Should be a great collection.
Coming Events
Twitterchat 61 – Supplements for Strength Athletes : A little dietary fine-tuning can have a big impact.
This week we’re diving into the world of Supplements for Strength Athletes – vitamins & minerals, protein shakes, amino acids and so on. The many things that are taken, the benefits they offer and the ways to measure their effectiveness. Everything you’ll need to keep training hard & heavy, frequently.
Helping us to navigate this fascinating area is Body by D-Rock‘s Derek Peruo – (@bodybydrock). Fantastic.
Details –
Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Supplements for Strength Athletes
When : Wed Apr 14, 9pm EST (1am UTC)
How : include #sbgym in your tweets.
To see when it’s on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.
See you there.
NB : If you’d like to be a guest on a future twitterchat, let me know. It’s great to hear how other people are training.
Learning From : The Grip Authority
As many of you already know, I’m a huge fan of grip training.
Over the years I’ve been fortunate enough to work with – and learn from – several freakishly strong gripsters, including the massively talented Adam Glass, Aaron Corcorran and Ryan Pitts.
And, of course, Jedd ‘Napalm‘ Johnson.
Not only is Jedd insanely strong, he’s an incredible teacher. To give you an idea, here are just a few of the superb series he’s shared over the years :
- Straight to the Grip Contest (part I, II, III, IV, V, VI)
- Hammering Strength into the Wrists (part I, II)
- Hub Lifting (part I, II)
Want more? If you’re keen to learn the skills necessary to remain at the top of this extremely competitive game, head over to The Grip Authority. A wealth of instructional videos, articles and discussions to help you become obscenely strong.
If you’re serious about your grip strength, it’s the best investment you can make.
Exercise of the Week : The Kettlebell Hot Potato
This exercise is about as simple as they come. Love it.
There are several variations of the Hot Potato available (for the most common variety, watch the video) – with some of them incorporating more of a throw than a pass.
Still, the basic idea is the same – the ‘bell is moved from hand to hand. Repeatedly.
A quick video demonstration of this wonderful exercise :
NB : for more on this wonderful exercise, Jeff Martone explains it well on the H2H Kettlebell Drills DVD.