On the Forums
I’m constantly amazed at just how much my training is influenced by the people on this site. Whether you’re looking for a new piece of equipment, an unusual exercise variation or just an idea of how others approach things, head over to the forums :
Jumping Rope for Conditioning
Al Kavadlo
Al takes a look at a great conditioning exercise – Jumping Rope. Good fun.Building a More Complete Chest
Rob Sinnott
Another great day in the gym.
Ready to add your own workout log or training article? Just head over to the Articles & Logs page and log in, and click ‘Post to Your Blog‘. That’s all there is to it.
NB : if you like what you see, show the authors your appreciation by voting (using the icons for Digg, StumbleUpon etc above each article). Cheers.
Video – San Angelo Tire Throw Games
What do you do after your outdoor workouts? A spot of tyre-throwing of course.
Good fun.
Stocking the Home Gym : The Power Rack
A friend of mine is in the process of setting up a home gym, and is currently looking around for the perfect rack.
Although he isn’t competing, he certainly enjoys throwing heavy objects around. The rack will be at the gym’s core.
I pointed him in the direction of this article, which outlines a few things to consider when buying a rack. I’m curious though, what sort of rack are you using right now? What would you buy if you were starting from scratch, and why?
Looking forward to your comments. Love seeing which equipment people are actually using.
Coming Events
Twitterchat 59 – Eating Paleo, Training Hard : Whenever the idea of a Paleo or Primal Diet is brought up, it’s common to hear names such as CrossFit in the same sentence. Why exactly is that?
This week we’re diving into the world of Eating Paleo and Training Hardhow this type of diet can aid your recovery, reduce illnesses and generally enable you to spend more time hoisting obscenely heavy objects. Helping us to navigate this fascinating area is Primal Chat‘s, own @PrimalChat. Fantastic.
Details –
Who : Strength-training fans
Topic : Eating Paleo, Training Hard
When : Wed Mar 31, 9pm EST (1am UTC)
How : include #sbpc in your tweets
To see when it’s on in your timezone, head over to the twitterchat calendar.
See you there.
Got an event that you’d like to add? Let me know.
Watching : Bio-Feedback Bonus
With the Grip ‘n’ Rip DVD coming out next week, it’s a great time to see what the Bio-Feedback approach is all about.
Here’s a brief sample. Brilliant.
Exercise of the Week : Kettlebell Halo
I love the Halo – perfect for loosening up the shoulders.
Although it can be performed using any heavy object (plates, clubs, block weights), it’s most commonly seen with a fairly modest kettlebell. To see how it’s performed, it’s over to Marcus Martinez :
NB : for more on this wonderful exercise, Steve Maxwell explains it well on the 300 Kettlebell Challenge Instructional DVD (disc 1).