Video – Levering the Giant Hammer
Several athletes test out Scott George’s Giant Hammer at the 2008 Gripmas Carol. Good stuff.
Training Rings
Ready to begin ring training, but not quite sure where to start? Training Rings has a number of great videos and articles to help you get going. Nice one.
Got a site, event or product you’d like to recommend? Drop us a line.
This week we take a brief look at Scott Sonnon’s Tacfit.
I’ll be writing up an in-depth review of Tacfit once I’ve worked through the videos (26 of them), but so far it looks fantastic.
Briefly, Tacfit is Sonnon’s approach to metabolic conditioning on a number of levels. Comprising a series of downloadable videos and comprehensive training manual, Tacfit is definitely designed to crank things up a notch. Very much looking forward to it.
If your training already includes a blend of club/medicine ball/kettlebell/ring/gymnastic and bodyweight work; you’ll be right at home here. Perfect.